Monday, April 6, 2009

At the Well...Older Women

This is my first At the Well post! I am excited and hope I will be able to keep up with everything...

Today At the Well discussed older women and living our lives according to the fruit of the Spirit. Here are the discussion questions for today.

How are you doing as an older woman?
I really wouldn't consider myself and older woman spiritually or age wise. I have been a follower of God my whole life and did all the age appropriate things in my life; communion, confirmation etc. I really have not started following, learning, or living in Christ until about 3 years ago. It has definitely been a GREAT change in my life and in the last year or so I feel the Lord has really gone to my heart and I work daily to live for him!

Do you live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the Lord?
I went through so many different phases in my life that did not show I was serving the Lord. I am a sinner like everyone and I ask God everyday for repentance in my sins of today and of yesterday. Since I have started a deeper walk with God I definitely feel myself working to live in a way that is appropriate. I can always change but so far I am getting on the track for successfully living to serve the Lord.

How is your speech, your attitude?
I used to use every word in the book whether is was appropriate or not. Thank the Lord I gave that up a while ago. I need to be more verbal as far as speaking about God to others.

Attitude is a completely different subject and since I have been married it is a daily struggle. I am so used to showing how I feel by my attitude. My husband has been a huge impact on my attitude change he is a very optimistic person and is always trying to help me have a positive attitude on everything. In my small group Bible study we have discussed, giving it to God, in times of anger, sadness, or negativity. I have definitely made a more conscious effort when a angry thought or a negative thought pops in my head, that before I dwell or really grab hold of it I just say "Give it to God" and say a small prayer that he will take this from me and help me trust in him no matter what is going on.

Are you producing the fruits of the Spirit in your life?
I like to believe I live according to the fruits of the spirit but I can definitely say it is not easy. I think what would help is posting the fruits of the spirit around my home and office and always being aware of them. I feel that will help me remember everything that I am supposed to be doing!

As I am growing into an "older woman" physically and spiritually, I hope to accomplish all God has in store for me and try and help the "younger women" that come into my life.
Have a blessed day!


  1. Found you through at the well. Thanks for sharing. Your blog is beautiful. I hope you'll come by next Monday as well. btw, this is only my 2nd week. The monday meme is awesome!!

    God Bless,
    Karen @ Lil Momma's Haven

  2. So glad that you joined At the Well today. Thanks for sharing. May God truly accomplish all that He has in store for you. You are growing into a wonderful "older' woman with a wonderful attitude.

  3. Thanks for joining us at the Well today! I enjoyed your post!

    It is wonderful to see where we have come from and say, "I used to do this, but now ..." Praise God!

    Have a blessed day!

  4. Welcome to At the Well! I truly enjoyed your post. You have such a faithful and sweet spirit - it just oozes from your post. I can't wait to spend more time on your blog.
