Monday, August 10, 2009

At the Well...Quiet time

Today at Gathering at the Well we are discussing out Jesus time and our quiet time with Jesus. Here are the questions they are asking today:
How do you spend moments with Jesus?
For me I find that I spend moments with Jesus many times through out the day. I am constantly praying as I am at work, and praying when I get up and go to bed. Jesus to me is not someone I have to make time for. I know He is near me at all times and through out my daily activites. My most intimate moments are spent in the evenings when my husband and I are laying in bed each doing our reading.
Do you have set quiet time?
Because I am working all day five days a week quiet time for me is far and few between. I try most days to spend my quiet time on the bus ride to work at lunch and the bus ride home. It is my time that I don't have a boss telling me what to do, a husband asking me questions, or any other distractions. I feel that ever since I started riding the bus my quiet time has grown and I am able to focus on God and the word more.
Have a blessed day!
Check out what others are saying about their time with Jesus At the Well.