Friday, May 1, 2009

Caffinated Randomness

OH BOY am I caffinated for what today!! I did some work for one of the managers here at work and he just brought me a VENTI White Chocolate Mocha!! I am going to be going for a long time today!!

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!! Here is what I am looking forward to this weekend........well, once this caffine wears off hee hee

BBQ with my Bible Study group

Spending quality girl time with my best girls baking, and watching chick flicks

Spending some awesome quality time with my handsome husband

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a blessed weekend!!


  1. You are a very lucky girl! :) And I am insanely jealous right now - I wonder if I can get one of those in decaf?!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful weekend....enjoy!
