Friday, May 29, 2009

The Sopranos...or just Caffeinated Randomness

The Sopranos

I feel like I am in the Soprano Family. Is that a good thing? I don't know yet...give me a couple more episodes and I will let you know. So far there has been fighting, killing, yelling, loving, laughing, and drama. I guess that is like most families minus the killing. Do I long to be apart of a Mob family that has all that drama, calls people Uncle even though they have no blood relation, late nights, and bar fights? Eh sometimes I think it is glamorous but most of the time I don't envy them at all!

The past few months my husband and I have been running to our mailbox to grab the next disk in the Soprano collection that arrives just in time from NetFlix. We watch this show as if our life depended on it, heck after this show we are convinced our life actually may depend on it!! It has taught me alot. I always had this misconception that the Mobster life style was glamorous, full of friends, family, and food. After watching a few episodes I really got the feeling that maybe this lifestyle is not all it is cut out to be. There is always the fear of someone getting angry with you and taking your life because of it, their marriages are filled with lies, and cheating, their kids have to deal with the scrutiny of others about what their "father does". This show is wonderful for the entertainment purposes and also has some fabulous acting, but as far as wanting that lifestyle I am happy with my husband who makes and honest living, and happy that I can walk down the street and not fear for my life.

We have 2 discs left in the entire collection, I definitely will miss the food (we have made a few italian dishes from the show) I will miss the stories, but I will not miss the anger, killing, or fighting. Although, after all these months I do feel I am apart of this family and if anyone is after me I have the Sopranos covering my back...well....not exactly.

Have a blessed day!


  1. :) I have always been slightly fascinated by the Soprano's...although I have never seen the show! Something about the mob fascinates me...sad huh!

    Have a great weekend :)

  2. Me & my husby have the same fixation with Stargate... very strange, I know.. but TV will do that to you! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
