Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hello to all my blog family!!!

I feel I am always apologizing for being MIA lately!! BUT, I am not going to apologize anymore I have great reasons my blog life has suffered!!

First of all, I have a job!! I am so blessed that the Lord has given me a job and a steady one at that!! I am so busy at work that logging onto my blog world has suffered (I am also scared of getting caught ;o) )!!

Second, we bought a HOUSE!! Yes, the lovely husband and I have found our first home!! We close on October 19th…life now consists of repairs, carpet, flooring, paint, packing…so many fun new adventures and things to learn about!! I love our home I will post pictures and promise to be better at blogging once our life settles down!!!

I am thinking and praying about all of you all the time!!! Have a blessed day!!


Monday, August 2, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Woo I am back again!!! Hopefully this will stick!! Here is my Menu for the week!

Monday - Hot Dogs and Macaroni and Cheese

Tuesday - Chicken with Jasmine rice and veggies

Wednesday - Tuna Helper

Thursday - Hamburgers and tots

Friday - Frozen Pizza

Saturday - Grocery shopping day new recipe (not sure what yet)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

I am finally back online after many many months of being away!! To start my blogging again it is Menu Plan Monday!!!

Here is what is up for this week:

Monday - on our own Bible Study

Tuesday - Quinoa with Turkey Sausage and zucchini with spaghetti sauce on top (made this up myself hopefully it turns out well!)

Wednesday - Chicken and black bean tacos

Thursday - Orzo with Chicken and summer squash

Friday - dinner out

Saturday - Lasagna

Sunday - clean out the fridge day leftovers!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where in the world have you been???

It has been such a long time since I have been on to update my blog. I would like to start by apologizing that I have not taken the time to post. It has been a CRAZY few months and I feel I am finally at a point in my life where I am able to get on and share my experiences and my thoughts with you.

First of all I started a new job which has given my husband and I more then we could ask for. We are able to have both of us on my insurance and it gives my husband the freedom to finish school and work part-time for right now. We are so blessed to be given this opportunity. Second I have been working on my relationship with the Lord and also working on making a set routine in my life so I have more free time and more energy to be able to do the things I would like to do…like blogging.

The reason I decided to start my blog back again today is because I just spent an awesome weekend away with the high schoolers from our church at Quake/Zone. It was an awesome weekend worshiping, learning, and listening with and about God. I took away so much from that weekend and can’t wait to do more and learn more to bring me closer to the Lord.

One of the things we discussed was serving God. How can we serve God in our lives? There are so many ways by loving one another, by praying, by helping those in need, etc. The list goes could go on forever. The analogy that was used by the wonderful Pastor Bill Yonker was about a spoon (he has a whole story to go along with it but, I will give you the point). We use forks for stabbing things, knives for cutting things, but spoons we use for serving. It has been such an awesome analogy that I am forever going to be ‘’spooning” for God.

I pray each of us is able to “spoon” for our Lord. I also pray that I by going back into blogging and reading all the blogs that I used to follow will be my way of “spooning” for God.

Have a blessed day!